…Because Life Is Too Short To Remain Lost In The Woods
There Is Hope On the Horizon
Every Hero Receives a Helping Hand
Being in this spot feels dreadful. Being in a crisis of meaning ruptures our sense of who we are and confidence in our own abilities to reason or take action. We become mired – paralyzed with indecision. Lose yourself and place in world. When we’re feeling anxiety and overwhelm we have our focus and energy split in many directions. We don’t have priorities straight when we’re unsure where the meaning in our life lies. We don’t know which path in the woods to take.
I too have made allies of my own personal deamons. Changed myself from the inside, out. Gone from a sense of being unviable to healing the rifts/wounds from my past. Dream and active imagination images helped me re-connect to my own sacred, wise core and learn to have faith again. I’ve rewritten my life forward. You might say we don't solve our problems, we grow larger than them. When we cultivate a connection with our essential self we:
Desired outcomes
· Courage to take risks and trust self · Feeling of spiritual connection and re-establishment of faith · Possibility thinking · Recognizes what we hold in our shadow, and is able to use those energies for own good · Learned language of metaphor and the ability to look for healing images in literature and movies. Uses the images in dreams and creative visualization to inform life · Quick in-the-moment fixes to cut off anxiety · Longer term undermining of the hold anxiety · Sees life as hero’s journey and not race to meet other people’s definition of ok · Knows battles, disagreements and nerve-wracking moments are inevitable, manageable, even winnable sometimes. They are not signs of failure or doing things wrong. They cultivate personal strength and clearer vision of path · Internal locus of evaluation · Confidence & comfort in own skin · Trust in self · Positive mindset · Living in senses, not just in head · Feels connected, authentically, to self, others, universe · Managing thoughts - not clouded by the earlier fears and negativity – allowing discernment and goal-setting · Learns from misdirection instead of beating self up · Seeing many paths… not just black/white, good/bad dichotomies · Flexible and creative in meeting challenges Life is inherently messy with no guarantees. It promises to hold surprise reversals, tragedies, opportunities, loss, windfalls, crippling setbacks and grace. If we do not live life in knowledge that we are on a hero's journey - a unique hero's journey built to hone our own skills, understanding and meaning - then we are mown down by life, constantly wondering what we did to attract our challenges rather than rising to meet them and grow to the stature we were meant to have. Feel very important to recognize that life is meant to have challenges. Your life having challenges does not mean you've done something wrong, or that something is broken. It means we're being offered a chance to grow in a new direction, find new resources within ourselves, to grow. To ignore this call is to relegate self to obsolescence in own life. Undercutting our own personal power and fulfillment. To sidestep meaning. We have a whole pantheon of emotions to guide and inform us. To release and emotions we must allow it to fully incorporate, learn its lessons and then let it go to make room for the next. You might say we don't solve our problems, we grow larger than them. |